Official Pest Reports

Official Pest Reports are provided by National Plant Protection Organizations within the NAPPO region. These Pest Reports are intended to comply with the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 17: 2002 Pest Reporting, of the International Plant Protection Convention.

Country Title Posted Date
US Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Quarantine Area in Harlingen, Cameron County, Texas July 16, 2024
US Zeugodacus tau: APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Los Angeles County, California July 5, 2024
US Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly): APHIS Removes the Quarantine in Sacramento County, California June 18, 2024
US Anastrepha ludens (Mexican Fruit Fly): APHIS Expands Two Quarantines in Texas June 5, 2024
Emerging Pest Alerts

Emerging Pest Alerts are news items obtained from public sources. They do not serve as official communication from NAPPO. The "Emerging Pest Alerts" is an early warning tool for emerging plant pests that are not present in the North American region. In most cases, information within alerts is not confirmed with the corresponding National Plant Protection Organization. They are provided solely as an early warning to NAPPO countries and should be used with this disclaimer in mind.

Title Posted Date
Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, causal agent of ash dieback: new hosts June 20, 2019
First report of Argyrotaenia tucumana as a pest Feb. 8, 2019
Bactrocera dorsalis: First report in Europe Jan. 24, 2019
Ceratitis capitata detected in Chile Jan. 24, 2019