Emerging Pest Alert
Bactrocera invadens found for the first time in India
Bactrocera invadens found for the first time in India
Scientific Name: Bactrocera invadens
Describer: Drew, Tsuruta, and White
Common Name: nan
Title: Bactrocera invadens found for the first time in India
Significance: Surveys conducted during May through August 2005 in southern India detected Bactrocera invadens for the first time in India. Among the five sites surveyed using methyl eugenol based traps, the populations of B. invadens were variable except in one location where the population was dominant over commonly occurring fruit flies. Two sites of high altitude (above 400 m) showed higher trap catches when compared to the sites in low altitudes (21-60 m).
Issues of Concern: This is the species of fruit fly that was recently detected spreading across Africa (See PAS News Story Posted April 2005: http://www.pestalert.org/viewArchNewsStory.cfm?nid=340)
Sithanantham, S., P. Selvaraj, and T. Boopathi. 2006. The Fruit Fly Bactrocera invadens (Tephritidae: Diptera) – New to India. Pestology, Vol. XXX, No. 9, pp. 36-37.