Emerging Pest Alert

Porcelainberry, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, still spreading in the Eastern United States.

Scientific Name: Ampelopsis brevipedunculata

Describer: Maxim., Trautv.

Common Name: porcelainberry porcelain berry, or amur peppervine

Title: Porcelainberry, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, still spreading in the Eastern United States.


Significance: Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, also known as porcelainberry, is a non-native deciduous, woody, perennial vine that resembles native species in the genus Vitis. Porcelainberry is a vigorous invader of open and partially shaded habitats. As a fast grower it quickly spreads over other vegetation, shading them out and reducing native plant diversity in the area.

Issues of Concern: Once established, porcelainberry grows very quickly and suffers little disease or insect pressure. With adequate soil moisture, A. brevipedunculata can grow up to15 feet in a single growing season and disperse numerous seeds that can remain viable in soil for several years (Young, 2005). As an attractive vine, its ornamental horticultural merit easily distracts gardeners from the warnings about its invasive tendencies.

Pathways: This plant moves in ornamental horticulture trade and easily escapes cultivation. Seeds may be dispersed by birds, other small animals, or water (Young, 2005).

Distribution: In the United States: Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia, and Wisconsin (USDA, 2005, Young, 2005). There is no confirmation of presence in Canada, considered not yet present.

Comments: Porcelainberry is not a new issue but warrants attention as a non-native plant species that has demonstrated invasiveness, yet is still used in horticultural trade. Massachusetts decided to take action and included porcelainberry as one of the 140 invasive plant species that are now banned from entering the state (see link below). A few days later Delaware Online published an article highlighting porcelainberry, how it is easily misidentified as wild grape, and the negative impact of it and other invasive species on our natural environment. 

Please let us know if you have any additional information about the distribution of this invasive species or additional management efforts underway for it. 


Delaware Online (The News Journal). 19 Dec 2005. Delaware Botanists face Growing Problems. 

Massachusetts Dept. of Agricultural Resources Press Release, 16 Dec 2005. 

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Plants Database. 

Young, J. 2005. Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas Factsheet: Porcelainberry. Plant Conservation Alliance, Alien Plant Working Group. 