Emerging Pest Alert

New unidentified thrips damaging cotton in South Texas

Scientific Name: Caliothrips sp.

Describer: nan

Common Name: unknown bean thrips

Title: New unidentified thrips damaging cotton in South Texas


Significance: An unidentified thrips in the genus Caliothrips is causing heavy damage to cotton in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Thrips damage resembles the spider mite damage except that spider mites cause leaves to curl downward and this new bean thrips causes them to curl upward. Damage causes defoliation and eventually boll loss in cotton. Samples of this thrips have been sent for identification. For now, growers are recommended to manage these populations with the same products used to control other thrips found in cotton.


Santa Ana, R. 2009. New unidentified insect pest damaging South Texas cotton. Texas A&M Agricultural Communications – AgNews. July 03, 2009. http://agnews.tamu.edu/showstory.php?id=1290