Official Pest Report

Official Pest Reports are provided by National Plant Protection Organizations within the NAPPO region. These Pest Reports are intended to comply with the International Plant Protection Convention's Standard on Pest Reporting, endorsed by the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in March 2002.

Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Adds Infested Field and Removes Other Fields from Regulation in Idaho

Country: United States


Globodera pallida (Pale Cyst Nematode): APHIS Adds Infested Field and Removes Other Fields from Regulation in Idaho

Phil Mason, Potato Cyst Nematode National Operations Manager, at 970-494-7565.


Effective November 5, 2018, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) added a 147-acre field to the pale cyst nematode (PCN) infested area in Bingham County, Idaho. APHIS took this action based on the confirmations of PCN cysts in soil samples from a potato production field in Bingham County received on November 2, 2018. This action brings the number of PCN-infested fields to 29 and the infested area to 3,277 acres.

This is the second of two detections of PCN in regulated fields within Idaho in 2018. APHIS reported the previous detection on October 22, 2018. These two newly infested fields were first regulated in 2011 and 2015, respectively, after being exposed to soil from PCN-infested fields. Since that time, APHIS has conducted regular PCN testing of the fields.

Potatoes are PCN hosts and facilitate reproduction of the nematode. To detect PCN infestations, APHIS conducts intensive full-field soil surveys after each potato crop harvest in fields that are regulated due to exposure to soil from infested fields. The detection of PCN in these two new fields suggests that PCN was introduced into these fields during those exposures and the subsequent potato crops grown in the fields promoted multiplication of the pest to detectable levels. APHIS requires sanitation of equipment after use in exposed, regulated fields to prevent artificial spread of PCN, which has contributed to the containment of PCN to a small, 8.5-mile radius that spans portions of Bingham and Bonneville Counties in Idaho.

In addition to this new detection, APHIS is removing approximately 757 acres of fields from regulation. These fields were regulated due to their associations with infested fields. They have since completed a release protocol comprised of sequence of surveys with negative laboratory results for PCN. These actions reduce the total regulated area in Idaho to 7,554 acres, including the 3,277 acres considered infested. 

In accordance with the PCN regulations, APHIS has applied safeguarding measures on the interstate movement of PCN-regulated articles from this area. APHIS will follow-up with a notice of this change to the regulated area in the Federal Register. The specific PCN-regulated areas are on the following website:   

Under IPPC Standards, Globodera pallida is considered a pest that is present: only in some areas and subject to official control in the United States.

Posted Date: Feb. 12, 2019, 9 a.m.