Official Pest Report
Official Pest Reports are provided by National Plant Protection Organizations within the NAPPO region. These Pest Reports are intended to comply with the International Plant Protection Convention's Standard on Pest Reporting, endorsed by the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in March 2002.
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly), Quarantine Areas in Los Angeles County, California
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly), Quarantine Areas in Los Angeles County, California
Country: United States
Title: Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental Fruit Fly), Quarantine Areas in Los Angeles County, California
Not available
On February 16, 2003, APHIS published an Interim Rule (7 CFR 301.93) in the Federal Register for Oriental Fruit Fly (OFF). This rule regulates the artificial spread of this plant pest from moving out of the areas where the pest is established. We have now learned that a county not yet under quarantine has been found to have a detection of a mated female OFF. The pest was detected, confirmed, and reported to us by the California Department of Food and Agriculture from a residential area of Los Angeles on August 30, 2004. The detection was ¼ mile east of Los Angeles International Airport.
Therefore, effective immediately we are imposing a temporary designation of quarantine in this residential area of Los Angeles, California.
This action is authorized by the Plant Protection Act of June 20, 2002, Section 412(a) which authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to prohibit or restrict the movement in interstate commerce of any plant, plant part, or article if the Secretary determines the prohibition or restriction is necessary to prevent the dissemination of a plant pest within the United States. This action is also authorized by 7 CFR 301.93-3(b) which authorizes temporary designation while we proceed toward publishing a rule to add the areas to the quarantined areas listed in 7 CFR 301.93-3(c).
Twelve square miles of this residential area will be treated using the male annihilation technique. Male annihilation bait treatments consist of applying methyl eugenol, naled, and a thickener to 600 to 900 evenly spaced bait stations (trees, telephone poles) per square mile. Treatments will be repeated at two-week intervals for two lifecycles beyond the last fly find. In addition, foliar treatment will be applied from the ground in a 200 meter radius around the detection site.
This action will be reflected in an Interim Rule that we anticipate will soon be published in the Federal Register for public comment in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act.
Posted Date: Sept. 7, 2004, 9 a.m.