Official Pest Report
Official Pest Reports are provided by National Plant Protection Organizations within the NAPPO region. These Pest Reports are intended to comply with the International Plant Protection Convention's Standard on Pest Reporting, endorsed by the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in March 2002.
Recall of Artificial Christmas Trees with Wood Trunks from China
Recall of Artificial Christmas Trees with Wood Trunks from China
Country: United States
Title: Recall of Artificial Christmas Trees with Wood Trunks from China
Not available
On November 3, 2004, APHIS inspectors detected a quarantine significant pest, Callidiellum villosulum (Cerambycidae), in artificial Christmas trees with wood trunks imported from China. The infested wood product detected by a homeowner in Saginaw, Michigan, was referred to the Michigan Department of Agriculture and traced back to the store where it was purchased. Further investigation by APHIS found that heat treatment certificates accompanying the two shipments indicate the treatment conducted did not meet U.S. entry requirements.
In response, APHIS is taking the following actions:
A limited recall was issued for those artificial Christmas trees from two Bills of Lading associated with the specific product that was found to contain the infestation.
Purchase order codes are being used as the basis of identifying products for recall.
An alert was issued to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at ports of entry to target specific shipments from the exporter, verify heat treatment certification that meet U.S. entry requirements, and conduct additional inspections on other related shipments.
Emergency Action Notifications were issued to stores and importers to ensure that known infested material is moved out of commerce and is to be destroyed by incineration or deep burial in a landfill in coordination with APHIS.
Continuing investigations of importers and distributors. Should additional quarantine pests be detected, the scope of the recall may be expanded.
Please advise consumers who contact you on this issue to preserve the live insects they detect associated with artificial Christmas trees with wood trunks in commercial products by placing them in plastic bags and freezing them. Insects intercepted should be turned over to a local agricultural Cooperative Extension Service for identification.
Posted Date: Nov. 16, 2004, 9 a.m.