Official Pest Report
Official Pest Reports are provided by National Plant Protection Organizations within the NAPPO region. These Pest Reports are intended to comply with the International Plant Protection Convention's Standard on Pest Reporting, endorsed by the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in March 2002.
Update to the List of Plant Genera Regulated for Phytopthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death) - Canada
Update to the List of Plant Genera Regulated for Phytopthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death) - Canada
Country: Canada
Title: Update to the List of Plant Genera Regulated for Phytopthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death) - Canada
Not available
Report: January 18, 2006 - List of Plant Genera Regulated for Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death) (D-01-01 - Phytosanitary Requirements to Prevent the Entry of Phytophthora ramorum)
§ indicates that this is a new addition to this list
All species of the following genera (Scientific Name (Common Name)): Abies (True firs); Acer (maple); Adiantum (California maidenhair fern); Aesculus (California buckeye); Arbutus (madrone, strawberry tree); § Ardisia (coralberry, spiceberry, marlberry); Arctostaphylos (manzanita, bearberry kinnikinnick); Calluna (heather, common heather, ling, Erica vulgaris*); Calycanthus (Spice Bush); Camellia (camellia); Castanea (chestnut); Clintonia (clintonia, bluebead lily, queen's cup); Corylus (hazelnut, filbert); Drimys (winter's bark); Dryopteris (wood fern, spinulose wood fern, spinulose shield-fern); § Euonymus (spindle tree, winged spindle tree, Japanese spindle tree, running strawberry bush, strawberry bush, bursting-heart, European spindle tree, burning bush, wahoo); Fagus (beech); Fraxinus (European ash); § Gaultheria (checkerberry, creeping snowberry, moxie plum, maidenhair berry, partridge berry, wintergreen, teaberry, mountain tea, salal, shallon, alpine wintergreen, waxberry); Griselinia (New Zealand privet); Hamamelis (witch hazel); Heteromeles (Christmas berry, toyon, California holly); Kalmia (mountain laurel, calico bush, western laurel, alpine laurel); Laurus (laurel); Leucothoe (leucothoe); Lithocarpus (tanbark, oak, tanoak); Lonicera (honeysuckle, twinberry); Magnolia (star magnolia, Leobner magnolia, saucer magnolia); Maianthemum (false Solomon's seal - formerly classified in genus Smilacina); Michelia (Michelia); Nothofagus (Roble beech); § Osmanthus (devil-weed, devilwood, American olive, wild olive, fragrant olive, sweet olive, tea olive, holly olive, Chinese holly, false holly, Phillyrea vilmoriniana*, Phillyrea decora*, Osmarea*); Osmorhiza (Osmorhiza); Parrotia (Persian parrotia or ironwood); Photinia (Photinia); Pieris (Pieris, lily of the valley shrub); Pittosporum (Victorian box, pittosporum); § Prunus (plum, apricot, almond, peach, nectarine, cherry, cherry laurel, Alleghany plum, wild plum, sweet cherry, western sand cherry, Taiwan cherry, cherry plum, sour cherry, pie cherry, common plum, damson plum, Japanese plum, St. Lucie cherry, Canada plum, European bird cherry, pin cherry, black cherry, choke cherry); Pseudotsuga (Douglas fir); Pyracantha (Firethorn); Quercus (oak); Rhamnus (buckthorn, cascara, coffeeberry, redberry); Rhododendron (rhododendron, azalea); Rosa (rose); Rubus (salmonberry, raspberry, blackberry); Salix (willow); Sequoia (coast redwood); Smilacina (smilacina, false spikenard, starflower, three-leaved Solomon's seal); Syringa (Lilac); Taxus (yew ); Torreya (Torreya); Toxicodendron (poison oak); Trientalis (western starflower); Umbellularia (California bay laurel, Oregon myrtle, pepperwood); Vaccinium (blueberry, huckleberry, foxberry); Vancouveria (Vancouveria); Viburnum (arrow wood, snowball bush, nannyberry, European cranberry, common snowball, Japanese snowball, laurustinus).
* indicates a species regulated because it is a synonym for a species in a regulated genera.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
18 janvier 2006 - Liste des genres de végétaux réglementés aux fins de la lutte contre le Phytophthora ramorum (encre des chênes rouges) (D-01-01 - Exigences phytosanitaires visant à prévenir l’introduction au Canada du Phytophthora ramorum)
Un § indique que ceci est une nouvelle addition à cette liste
Toutes les espèces des genres suivants (Nom Botanique (Nom Commun)); Abies (sapin); Acer (érable); Adiantum (Adaintum aordanii); Aesculus (marronier de Californie, pavier de Californie); Arbutus (arbousier, arbre à fraises); § Ardisia (ardisie); Arctostaphylos (bousserole manzanita, bousserole raisin-d'ours, kinnikinnick); Calluna (bruyère, bruyere commune, callune fausse-bruyere, Erica vulgaris*); Calycanthus (arbre aux anémones); Camellia (camélia); Castanea (châtaignier); Clintonia (clintonie, clintonie uniflore, clintonie jaune, clintonie boréale); Corylus (noisetier, coudrier); Drimys (arbre à écorce de winter); Dryopteris (dryoptéride, dryoptéride spinuleuse, dryoptère spinuleuse); § Euonymus (fusain, fusain du Japon, fusain d'Europe, bonnet-de-pretre); Fagus (hêtre); Fraxinus (frêne commun, frêne européen); § Gaultheria (gualtherie, petit thé des bois); Griselinia (grisélinie du littoral); Hamamelis (hamamélis); Heteromeles (hétéromèle de Californie); Kalmia (kalmie à larges feuilles, laurier des marais); Laurus (laurier); Leucothoe (leucothoe); Lithocarpus (lithocarpe ou chêne à tan); Lonicera (chèvrefeuille); Magnolia (magnolia étoilé, magnolia loebneri, magnolia de Soulange); Maianthemum (Maïanthème - anciennement du genre Smilacina); Michelia (Michelia); Nothofagus (hêtre austral); § Osmanthus (osmanthe, Phillyrea vilmoriniana*, Phillyrea decora*, Osmarea*); Osmorhiza (Osmorhiza); Parrotia (parrotie, arbre perroquet ou arbre de fer); Photinia (Photinia); Pieris (pieris); Pittosporum (pittosporum); § Prunus (prunier, abricotier, amandier, pêcher, nectarine, cerisier, laurier-cerise, prunellier, prunier sauvage, cerisier de France, ragouminier, cerisette, cerisier, prunier de l'Islet, créquier, prunier de Japon, bois de Sainte-Lucie, prunier sauvage, merisier à grappes, merisier, cerisier d'autumne, cerisier à grappes); Pseudotsuga (fausse pruche); Pyracantha (buisson ardent); Quercus (chêne); Rhamnus (nerprun, nerprun cascara, nerprun de Californie); Rhododendron (rhododendron, azalée); Rosa (rosier); Rubus (framboise, mûrier); Salix (saule); Sequoia (Séquoia); Smilacina (smilacine, smilacine à grappes, smilacine étoilée, smilacine trifoliée); Syringa (Lilas); Taxus (if); Torreya (Torreya); Toxicodendron (sumac de l'Ouest); Trientale (trientale); Umbellularia (laurier de Californie, myrte de l'Oregon); Vaccinium (bleuets, myrtille, airelles, canneberges); Vancouveria (Vancouveria); Viburnum (viorne, alisier, laurier-tin).
* indique une espèce réglée parce que c'est un synonyme pour une espèce dans des genres réglés.
Posted Date: Jan. 19, 2006, 9 a.m.