Official Pest Report
Official Pest Reports are provided by National Plant Protection Organizations within the NAPPO region. These Pest Reports are intended to comply with the International Plant Protection Convention's Standard on Pest Reporting, endorsed by the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in March 2002.
Listing and Regulation of Plants Recently Reported with Phytophthora ramorum
Listing and Regulation of Plants Recently Reported with Phytophthora ramorum
Country: United States
Title: Listing and Regulation of Plants Recently Reported with Phytophthora ramorum
Not available
On February 14, 2002, APHIS published an interim rule in the Federal Register for Phytophthora ramorum (ramorum blight & dieback, sudden oak death) (7 CFR 301.92). This rule regulates the interstate movement of restricted and regulated articles to prevent the artificial spread of this disease-causing organism from areas where the disease is established. APHIS also issued an Emergency Federal Order dated December 21, 2004, to regulate certain nurseries and plants to prevent the spread of the pathogen through nursery plants.
The purpose of this Official Pest Report is to provide notification that APHIS will be regulating certain new species, effective August 1, 2006. This action is necessary as APHIS has learned that Ceanothus thyrsiflorus, Cinnamomum camphora, Kalmia angustifolia, Nerium oleander, Osmanthus fragrans, Osmanthus heterophyllus, and Quercus acuta can be infected by P. ramorum and need to be regulated in order to control the artificial spread of this disease. These new plant taxa have been added to the “Plants Associated with Phytophthora ramorum” list. Also, Fagus sylvatica, Kalmia latifolia, Quercus cerris, Salix caprea, and Viburnum spp. have been transferred to the “Proven Hosts Regulated for Phytophthora ramorum” list, based on Koch’s postulates.
Posted Date: July 18, 2006, 9 a.m.