Official Pest Report
Official Pest Reports are provided by National Plant Protection Organizations within the NAPPO region. These Pest Reports are intended to comply with the International Plant Protection Convention's Standard on Pest Reporting, endorsed by the Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures in March 2002.
Imported Fire Ant (IFA) Quarantine Program Manual
Imported Fire Ant (IFA) Quarantine Program Manual
Country: United States
Title: Imported Fire Ant (IFA) Quarantine Program Manual
Not available
A program manual for the IFA Quarantine is now available online at This represents the first revision of the manual since 1985 and reflects the considerable changes that have been made to the IFA Quarantine since that time. The authority for taking regulatory actions for IFA is contained in 7 CFR 301.81-1 through 301.81-10.
The manual is for use by state and Federal Regulatory Officials interested in preventing the artificial spread of IFA from infested to uninfected areas. The manual will prepare Regulatory Officials to:
• Perform accurate surveys for IFA along the leading edge of infestation
• Determine the interstate movement (entry) status of regulated and nonregulated articles
• Provide current treatment information and facilitate the movement of IFA-free nursery stock from regulated to non-regulated areas
• Take regulatory action when a detection of IFA is found
The manual was produced by the APHIS’ PPQ Manuals Unit with assistance from the many APHIS and state personnel associated with the IFA Quarantine. While every attempt has been made to make the manual accurate and comprehensive, it is recognized that some parts of the manual will be more fully developed in future versions. The online availability of this manual will allow for changes to be made as the need arises while allowing for the complete and rapid access to this information by Regulatory Officials.
Posted Date: April 2, 2004, 9 a.m.